News — livewithpurpose
New Studio Space
arbour heights studio art studio livewithpurpose living a creative life local artists new space SupportLocalArt What I do ygkartist

Welcome to a new year and our first blog post of 2022 My hubby and I share studio space. Over the years it has become somewhat crowded and hard to find stuff. So for much of the month of December, we spent time reconfiguring the room to suit our needs Since we both stand up to paint, we got rid of the flat counter surfaces we had and organized and stored our supplies in new carts. Tons of stuff was thrown out or given away. We really thought about what we used a lot and where we wanted it to...
abstract expressionism covid19 fleeting moments garden livewithpurpose newbutnotnormal shareyourart ygk ygkartist

Next year, I will be 75. Between my age and what has been going on in the world this last year and a half, I have become more aware of the moments in my daily life. I love to walk and appreciate and am curious about what I experience with my senses. The smell of the creek, new flowers blooming, the touch of the wind and the warm sun are all stored away in my being. Since these sensations happen in the present, they tend to be fleeting . Our backyard garden is another place I like to wander to...
Seeking Balance
abstract expressionism covid19 livewithpurpose my process newbutnotnormal newnormal weareallinthistogether ygk ygkartist

I spend a lot of time looking at my paintings that hang on our home gallery walls. I am always noticing new things about them. Some I like, others I want to change. Yesterday, I had a huge revelation. I realized that all of my paintings over the past year, have an overriding theme of seeking balance. Life since Covid has continued on , but different in so many ways; more so for some people than others. It has definitely not been equal. It is hard to stay balanced as things continually change. Through my painting, I have been almost...
Abstracting the Garden
abstract expressionism garden livewithpurpose my process shareyourart SupportLocalArt ygk ygkartist

Our backyard garden is a huge influence in my art. My husband does nearly all the gardening. I use the garden's phases throughout the year as inspiration. Lucky me ! For the last few months, I have been exploring how the shapes ,lines, colours, and feelings of pleasure and joy I experience can be expressed in an abstract way on canvas. "Morning Dew" is one in the series that I have finished . Which aspects or feelings of summer jump out to you in this mixed media piece ? I would love to hear from you. In the next...
Art in the time of Covid
covid19 livewithpurpose NationalArtsDrive newbutnotnormal newevent newnormal RAWartists shareyourart SupportLocalArt weareallinthistogether ygk ygkartist

According to a recent survey 64% of artists and creative workers are unemployed! Every opportunity to perform, showcase or display in person has vanished for the time being. The creative community is deeply wounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, I’ve joined RAW Artists in an effort to help fundraise directly to artists for a project titled, The National Arts Drive. On Saturday, June 20, 2020, we’re calling all artists in every creative medium to showcase from their front lawns, driveways, balconies, stoops or studios. We’re inviting the community at-large to take a drive and experience the creative...